Our Story

It's morning in a little village in Nigeria...

The air is crisp with a slight bite from the monsoon winds. A door opens and out steps a woman with a bucket in hand. On her back is a child wrapped in a colorful cloth, resting tenderly, breathing softly with eyes wide open. She begins a familiar walk up a slope, down a winding path to a water pump, the sole one for the whole village to collect water she will use to bathe, cook, eat... It will be 5 trips until she has enough for the day. As she walks she wonders, what will her children eat for the day? Will they be sent home for non payment of school fees? Where will she find the money to pay for her son's cough medicine?... Will the landlord grant her one more week to put together the rent for her home?

Many women and children in Nigeria are born into abject poverty. They lack basic shelter and food, trapped in a system that has forgotten them. Some have never known a home, orphaned in a country lacking the basic infrastructure to care for those unfortunate enough to be brought into the world without a one to care for them.

Hope Ministries Foundation was created to give these women and children the basic necessities to live life with dignity. To us they are not forgotten - Their success is our success!

Of the 89.6 Million people living in extreme
poverty in Nigeria, 73% are women

We Provide:

  • Shelter Assistance
  • Education Supplies
  • Skills Training & Workshops
  • Micro Business Grants
  • Faith Mentorship
  • Health & Wellness Programs
  • Mental Health Support

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